研究生印東西是家常便飯,特別是交報告或作業時,印起來還真是不得了。前一陣子要交作業前,竟然出現了「多工緩衝處理程式子系統應用程式發生問題,必須關閉」的錯誤,真是想死的心都有了 @@ 什麼時候不挑,幹嘛挑我交作業前呢?幹嘛為難我?
這問題的的症狀是無法列印(廢話),印表機也無法修改設定。即使在服務裡強制啟動Printer spooler,只要呼叫到印表機,那支程式就死給你看。
- 到c:windowssystem32spoolprinters底下
- 備份這資料夾所有的檔
- 刪除此資料夾所有的檔
- 重新在服務裡啟動Printer spooler即可(我的電腦上面按右鍵選管理,在左邊選單選服務,找到printer spooler,然後啟動)。
如果在pirnter spooler的錯誤訊息發現是ZSR.dll這個dll檔crash,很多使用者反應是HP 1020或1022的問題。解決方案可參考這篇文章:
Hello All!
I am so glad my IT manager found this thread! We were having the same trouble with the same printer. It even stopped the launch of a few graphic applications (Illustrator and Photoshop). After reading through this thread, here is what he did:
Launch Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services. In Services, stop Printer Spooler service. Launch Windows Explorer, and navigate to c:windowssystem32spoolerprint and delete any and all files in this location. Then go back to Services and restart Printer Spooler service.
I think it was a particular PDF that caused this. I had been printing large multi-page PDF documents, then received a single page PDF via email.
This was a much less invasive fix than restoring, as this printer was one of the first things attached to my computer. So far, it hasn’t recurred and I sent that particular PDF to another printer.
Good luck!