學術工作第一關通常是面試,這種面試有可能是學術會議面試,也有可能是電話或skype interview。關於研究會面試,可以參考之前寫的:11月至2月的研討會:學術工作面試的平台、研討會面試心得。有興趣了解更多,也可以參考這本書:找學術工作寶典:The academic job search handbook
Modern Language Association 是語言、文學這方面非常大的組織,每年的年會在一月初,是讀語言、文學的博士生找工作的平台,每年都有面試專區與無數的面試機會,每年的年會也有找工作的workshop。如果是讀這些領域又想在北美地區找工作的,千萬不要錯過。
MLA 的網站提供了面試時,應該作與不應該作的事情,我覺得非常有用。不僅在這方面的領域可以看,在其它領域的工作申請者,相信看了也有所助益。裡面方兩部分,一部分是給工作申請者看的,一部分是給面試的人看的。下面僅呈現給工作申請者看的部分。原文呈現,就不翻譯了。重點部分是我加上的,原文沒有。
The Candidate
- Review job specifications.
- Research thoroughly departments and institutions with which you have interviews.
- Be aware that any materials that you have posted online (e.g., on MySpace, Facebook, blogs, public e-mail discussion lists or forums) may be viewed by potential employers.
- Be aware that it is your right to request specific accommodations to make the interview accessible.
- Prepare questions you want to ask (e.g., about teaching load, class size, number of majors, range of courses you will teach, library resources).
- Request of your department some practice interviewing; use the opportunity to analyze your strengths and weaknesses.
- Allow yourself an hour between interviews if possible.
- Be prepared to discuss approaches to languages and literature teaching.
- Think about courses and texts you would like to teach (be prepared to distribute sample syllabi).
- Be aware of nervousness.
- Come on time and follow all the usual protocols of politeness.
- Silence cell phone.
- Be aware of body language (your own and interviewer’s).
- Project interest and enthusiasm, speak up clearly, listen attentively, and avoid using terms such as “you know,” “like,” and so on.
- Maintain eye contact with interviewer.
- Be prepared for aggressive questions.
- Answer openly, directly, and honestly.
- Be specific in both answers and your own questions.
- Be prepared to demonstrate your language ability.
- Bring out your strong points.
- Talk about relevant skills, experience, interests, and goals.
- Summarize your qualifications for the job.
- Find out when decisions will be made.
- Write follow-up thank-you letter.
- Be laconic or loquacious.
- Be either apologetic or arrogant.
- Appear opinionated or contentious.
- Argue with interviewer.
- Let yourself be intimidated.
- Volunteer negative information.
- Downgrade other candidates, jobs, or institutions.
- Get off the track or ramble.
- Overstay your welcome.
- Ask about salary yet.