資訊式面談:Informational interviews

資訊式面談可能對沒在美國公司找過工作的人有點陌生。資訊式面談 (informational interviews) 說穿了就是一個好的社交機會。這種面談的形式應人、公司而異,沒什麼一定的標準,不過不變的是資訊式面談是找工作、認識別人,也就是networking的一個很好的機會






Hello, my name is ___. I am very interested in learning more about ___ and I would like to talk with you about what you do and the field in general.”




  1. How did you get into this field?
  2. What do you like most/least about your job?
  3. What is a typical day like?
  4. What are your job responsibilities?
  5. Are these duties the same for everyone with this job title?
  6. What kind of individual (in terms of talent and personality) would be best suited for this kind of job?
  7. What are the prospects for someone entering your field today?
  8. What advice would you give regarding how to best prepare for entering this field?
  9. What advice would you give on how to apply for and find a job in this field?
  10. Are there any other sources of information you might suggest?
  11. Where might I go to find an employer who could use my skills?
  12. What function or service does your office provide?
  13. What salary range can I expect to make in this field?
  14. Are there any other jobs that are similar to yours but with different job titles?
  15. Who do you know that I might benefit from talking with?




  • 與我面試的這個人,是否用了我想使用的能力?
  • 申請他這份工作,我夠資格嗎?
  • 我了解這份工作所包含的內容嗎?
  • 我會喜歡這份工作嗎?
  • 除了此份工作,我知道一些額外的機會嗎?
  • 我知道這份工作薪水的區間在哪嗎?
  • 我對這個領域(這份工作)的印象如何?正面的?負面的?
  • 我會喜歡在這家公司工作嗎?
  • 這份工作/這家公司的目標是什麼?需求是什麼?有沒有什麼顧慮點?
  • 我如何幫助這家公司完成這些需求、達到他們的目標?
  • 我能為這家公司提供什麼?


資訊式面談最重要的就是networking。在完成面試之後,簡單地寫一下感謝信。必要的時候 (視資訊式面談的內容與結果),還可以附上你的履歷 (resume)。


Disclaimer: 我自身資訊式面談的經驗不多,所以此文僅供參考。如果讀者有相關經驗,歡迎分享!

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